Tomaschitz, R. (2000). Tachyons, Lamb shifts and superluminal chaos, European Physical Journal B 17, 523-536, DOI: 10.1007/s100510070130


Abstract (EDP Sciences,  SpringerLinkSAO/NASA ADS)

An elementary account on the origins of cosmic chaos in an open and multiply connected universe is given; there is a finite region in the open 3-space in which the world-lines of galaxies are chaotic, and the mixing taking place in this chaotic nucleus of the universe provides a mechanism to create equidistribution. The galaxy background defines a distinguished frame of reference and a unique cosmic time order; in this context superluminal signal transfer is studied. Tachyons are described by a real Proca field with negative mass square, coupled to a current of subluminal matter. Estimates on tachyon mixing in the geometric optics limit are derived. The potential of a static point source in this field theory is a damped periodic function. We treat this tachyon potential as a perturbation of the Coulomb potential, and study its effects on energy levels in hydrogenic systems. By comparing the induced level shifts to high-precision Lamb shift measurements and QED calculations, we suggest a tachyon mass of 2.1 keV/c2 and estimate the tachyonic coupling strength to subluminal matter. The impact of the tachyon field on ground state hyperfine transitions in hydrogen and muonium is investigated. Bounds on atomic transition rates effected by tachyon radiation as well as estimates on the spectral energy density of a possible cosmic tachyon background radiation are derived.


05.45.Ac Low-dimensional chaos – 32.10.Fn Fine and hyperfine structure – 98.70.Vc Background radiations






Tachyons, Lamb shifts and superluminal chaos



Tomaschitz, R.



AA(Department of Physics, Hiroshima University, 1-3-1 Kagami-yama, Higashi-Hiroshima 739-8526, Japan)



The European Physical Journal B, Volume 17, Issue 3, pp. 523-536 (2000). (EPJB Homepage)

Publication Date:






PACS Keywords:


Low-dimensional chaos, Fine and hyperfine structure, Background radiations




Bibliographic Code:





description: Roman Tomaschitz (2000) Tachyons, Lamb shifts and superluminal chaos, European Physical Journal B 17, 523.


Keywords: superluminal signal transfer in open RobertsonWalker cosmologies, multiply connected hyperbolic 3-space, tachyon mixing in the chaotic nucleus of the universe, ray optics with negative mass-square, tachyonic dispersion relation, Proca equation, tachyon mass and tachyonic fine-structure constant, effect of the tachyon potential on Lamb shifts and ground state hyperfine transitions in hydrogenic systems, cosmic tachyon background radiation


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