Tomaschitz, R. (2008). Tachyonic γ-ray spectra of active galactic nuclei: Evidence for intrinsic spectral curvature, Physics Letters A 372, 4344-4349, DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2008.04.026


Abstract (ScienceDirect,  SAO/NASA ADS)

Tachyonic spectral densities of ultra-relativistic electron populations are fitted to the γ-ray spectra of two TeV blazars, the BL Lacertae objects 1ES 0229+200 and 1ES 0347-121. The spectral maps are compared to Galactic TeV sources, the γ-ray binary LS 5039 and the supernova remnant W28. In contrast to TeV photons, the extragalactic tachyon flux is not attenuated by interaction with the cosmic background light; there is no absorption of tachyonic γ-rays via pair creation, as tachyons do not interact with infrared background photons. The curvature of the observed γ-ray spectra is intrinsic, caused by the Boltzmann factor of the electron densities, and reproduced by a tachyonic cascade fit. In particular, the curvature in the spectral map of the Galactic microquasar is more pronounced than of the two extragalactic γ-ray sources. Estimates of the thermodynamic parameters of the thermal or, in the case of supernova remnant W28, shock-heated nonthermal electron plasma generating the tachyon flux are obtained from the spectral fits.


Keywords: Superluminal radiation; Tachyonic cascade spectra; Ultra-relativistic electron plasma; TeV blazars; Spectral averaging; Proca equation with negative mass-square

PACS classification codes: 03.50.Kk; 05.30.Fk; 52.27.Ny; 95.30.Gv


Article Outline

1. Introduction

2. Spectral maps in the γ-ray bands: Origin and structure of tachyonic cascade spectra

3. Spectral curvature of Galactic and extragalactic TeV γ-ray sources: Does distance matter?

4. Conclusion








Tachyonic γ-ray spectra of active galactic nuclei: Evidence for intrinsic spectral curvature



Tomaschitz, Roman



AA(Department of Physics, Hiroshima University, 1-3-1 Kagami-yama, Higashi-Hiroshima 739-8526, Japan. Tel.: +81 824 247361; fax: +81 824 240717.)



Physics Letters A, Volume 372, Issue 24, p. 4344-4349.

Publication Date:






PACS Keywords:


Other special classical field theories, Fermion systems and electron gas, Relativistic plasmas, Radiation mechanisms; polarization




Bibliographic Code:





description: Roman Tomaschitz (2008) Tachyonic γ-ray spectra of active galactic nuclei: Evidence for intrinsic spectral curvature, Physics Letters A 372, 4344.


Keywords: superluminal radiation, Proca fields with negative mass-square, transversal and longitudinal tachyonic γ-rays, spectral curvature of Galactic and extragalactic TeV γ-ray sources, tachyonic spectral densities of ultra-relativistic electron populations, thermal electron plasmas in active galactic nuclei, shock-heated nonthermal plasmas of supernova remnants, SNR W28, microquasar LS 5039, TeV γ-ray blazars, BL Lacertae objects 1ES 0229+200 and 1ES 0347121, superluminal gamma-rays


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