Tomaschitz, R. (2013). Tachyonic Cherenkov emission from Jupiter’s radio electrons, Physics Letters 377, 3247-3253, DOI:10.1016/j.physleta.2013.10.016


Abstract (ScienceDirect, SAO/NASA ADS)

Tachyonic Cherenkov radiation from inertial relativistic electrons in the Jovian radiation belts is studied. The tachyonic modes are coupled to a frequency dependent permeability tensor and admit a negative mass-square, rendering them superluminal and dispersive. The superluminal radiation field can be cast into Maxwellian form, using 3D field strengths and inductions, and the spectral densities of tachyonic Cherenkov radiation are derived. The negative mass-square gives rise to a longitudinal flux component. A spectral fit to Jupiter’s radio spectrum, inferred from ground-based observations and the Cassini 2001 fly-by, is performed with tachyonic Cherenkov flux densities averaged over a thermal electron population.



41.60.Bq Cherenkov radiation

95.30.Gv Radiation mechanisms; polarization

96.30.Kf Jupiter

94.30.Xy Radiation belts




Tachyonic Cherenkov emission from Jupiter's radio electrons



Tomaschitz, Roman



AA(Department of Physics, Hiroshima University, 1-3-1 Kagami-yama, Higashi-Hiroshima 739-8526, Japan)



Physics Letters A, Volume 377, Issue 45-48, p. 3247-3253.

Publication Date:






Abstract Copyright:


Elsevier B.V.




Bibliographic Code:




description: Roman Tomaschitz (2013) Tachyonic Cherenkov emission from Jupiter’s radio electrons, Phys. Lett. A 377, 3247.


Keywords: tachyonic Cherenkov radiation, absolute spacetime, aether, superluminal radiation modes with negative mass-square, transversal and longitudinal tachyons, tachyonic Maxwell–Proca fields in a permeable spacetime, tachyonic field strengths and inductions, manifestly covariant field equations in the aether, superluminal radiation by inertial charges in a dispersive spacetime, tachyonic energy flux in the radio band, superluminal Cherenkov densities averaged over relativistic electron populations, spectral asymptotics of averaged Cherenkov densities, thermal electron plasma in Jupiter’s radiation belts, Cassini’s Jupiter fly-by and Jovian radio spectrum, tachyonic spectral fit to Jovian radio flux



Tachyonic radio emission from uniformly moving electrons in a dispersive spacetime.

Transversal and longitudinal flux densities due to superluminal Cherenkov effect.

Mildly relativistic thermal electron populations in Jupiter’s radiation belts.

Spectral fit of ground-based and in-situ measurements of the Jovian radio flux.

Jupiter’s low flux density at 13.8 GHz (Cassini fly-by) due to thermal spectral cutoff.


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