Tomaschitz, R. (2012). Neutrino currents in the absolute spacetime: Relating the refractive index of the aether to the OPERA excess velocity, Europhysics Letters (EPL)  97, 39003 (6pp), DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/97/39003 


Abstract (IOPscience, EDP Sciences, SAO/NASA ADS, Refdoc)

The superluminal neutrino velocity measured by the OPERA experiment is explained in a non-relativistic spacetime conception. Spacetime is viewed as a permeable medium of wave propagation. The neutrino wave equation is coupled to a permeability tensor, like electromagnetic fields in dielectric media. The inertial frame in which this tensor is isotropic defines a distinguished frame of reference, the rest frame of the aether. The dispersion relation of the spinorial wave modes gives rise to a superluminal group velocity of the energy flux. The Gordon decomposition of spinor currents in a refractive and dispersive spacetime is performed with finite as well as zero rest mass. The convective and spin components of the superluminal neutrino current are related to the permeability tensor. The refractive index of the aether depends on the neutrino energy, and is inferred in the 10 to 50 GeV range from the measured excess velocity. Implications of the superluminal speed of signal transfer regarding relativity principles and causality are discussed.



98.80.Jk Mathematical and relativistic aspects of cosmology

95.30.Sf Relativity and gravitation

14.60.Lm Ordinary neutrinos (nue, numu, nutau)



Gravitation and cosmology

Particle physics and field theory

            Astrophysics and astroparticles





Neutrino currents in the absolute spacetime: Relating the refractive index of the aether to the OPERA excess velocity



Tomaschitz, R.



Europhysics Letters, Volume 97, Issue 3, pp. 39003 (2012).

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description: Roman Tomaschitz (2012) Neutrino currents in the absolute spacetime: Relating the refractive index of the aether to the OPERA excess velocity, EPL 98, 39003.


Keywords: aether, ether, absolute spacetime, superluminal signal transfer, causality, permeability tensor of the aether, permeable spacetime, dispersive spacetime, dispersion relation, refractive index, index of refraction, superluminal group velocity, faster-than-light, superluminal neutrinos, convection current, convection speed, spin current, polarization and magnetization currents, Dirac equation, Klein–Gordon equation, Gordon decomposition of spinor currents, energy–momentum conservation, Michelson–Morley experiment, Lorentz symmetry, relativistic covariance, isotropy, cosmic microwave background radiation, temperature dipole anisotropy


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