Tomaschitz, R. (1997). Tachyons in an expanding space-time, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 8, 761-766, DOI:10.1016/S0960-0779(96)00097-5



Abstract (ScienceDirect, CDS, SAO/NASA ADS, Zbl 0936.83003)

Superluminal signal transfer is introduced in the context of an absolute frame of reference provided by the galactic background. The receding galaxies constitute a reference frame, a frame of absolute rest, in which the energy of tachyons (faster-than-light particles) can be defined as a positive definite quantity. The theory presented is essentially covariant, but not relativistic. The causality problem of superluminal signal transfer, which arises in relativistic theories, can be completely avoided. Tachyons are studied in a Robertson-Walker universe with linear expansion factor and negatively curved three-space. The tachyonic dynamics is defined, and it is pointed out how tachyonic events appear to observers who are uniformly moving in the frame of absolute rest. The consequences that the space expansion has on tachyons, e.g. redoubling effects, are discussed.




Zbl 0936.83003
Tomaschitz, Roman
Tachyons in an expanding space-time
Chaos Solitons Fractals 8, No.5, 761-766 (1997). ISSN 0960-0779

MSC 2000:

83C10 Equations of motion
83F05 Relativistic cosmology

Keywords: superluminal signal transfer; Robertson-Walker universe




Tachyons in an expanding space-time.



Tomaschitz, R.



Chaos Solitons Fractals, Vol. 8, No. 5, p. 761 - 766

Publication Date:






ARI Keywords:


Cosmology: Space-Time, Cosmology: Elementary Particles

Bibliographic Code:





description: Roman Tomaschitz (1997) Tachyons in an expanding space-time, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 8, 761.


Keywords: superluminal signal transfer, Robertson–Walker cosmology, hyperbolic 3-space, constant negative curvature, faster-than-light particles, negative mass-square, absolute space and cosmic time, tachyons and causality in the cosmic time order, positivity of tachyonic energy, tachyonic world lines in the Milne universe, cosmic expansion factor and lifetime of tachyons, cosmic time evolution of tachyonic energy, comoving galaxy frame, absolute frame of reference, globally geodesic rest frames of inertial observers, synchronization of cosmic and proper time, bifurcation of tachyonic world lines in inertial frames, Poincaré half-space model of hyperbolic geometry


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