Tomaschitz, R. (1998). Tachyons in Robertson-Walker cosmology, International Journal of Modern Physics D 7, 279-298, DOI: 10.1142/S021827189800022X



Abstract (WorldSciNet, CDS, SAO/NASA ADS, Zbl 0932.83061)

Superluminal signal transfer is studied in the context of a preferred cosmic frame of reference provided by the galactic background. The receding galaxies constitute a frame of absolute rest, in which the energy of tachyons (faster-than-light particles) is unambiguously defined as a positive quantity. The causality violation which arises in relativistic tachyonic theories is avoided. We define interactions of particles and tachyons in terms of elastic head-on collisions and energy-momentum conservation. To compare the theory developed with existing relativistic theories, tachyons are studied at first in a Minkowski universe, and the causality of a superluminal communication process is analyzed. Then we discuss the dynamics of tachyons in a Robertson–Walker universe with linear expansion factor and negatively curved three-space. We point out the consequences that the space expansion has on tachyons, like a finite life-time in the frame of absolute rest, and multiple images in the rest frames of moving observers.



Zbl 0932.83061
Tomaschitz, Roman
Tachyons in Robertson-Walker cosmology
Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 7, No.2, 279-298 (1998). ISSN 0218-2718

MSC 2000:

*83F05 Relativistic cosmology

Keywords: tachyons; energy-momentum conservation; Minkowski universe




Tachyons in Robertson-Walker Cosmology



Tomaschitz, Roman



AA(Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Koramangala, Bangalore 560 034, , India)



International Journal of Modern Physics D, Volume 7, Issue 02, pp. 279-298 (1998). (IJMPD Homepage)

Publication Date:









Bibliographic Code:





description: Roman Tomaschitz (1998) Tachyons in Robertson-Walker cosmology, International Journal of Modern Physics D 7, 279.


Keywords: faster-than-light particles, negative mass-square, RobertsonWalker cosmology with hyperbolic 3-space, energymomentum conservation in elastic electrontachyon collisions, positivity of tachyonic energy, Milne universe, forward lightcone, linear expansion factor, Poincaré half-space, globally geodesic rest frames, synchronization of cosmic and local time, comoving galaxy frame, absolute frame of reference, absolute spacetime, uniform motion and absolute rest, tachyons and causality in the cosmic time order, cosmic time evolution of tachyonic energy, space expansion and lifetime of tachyons, time inversion and bifurcation of tachyonic world lines in inertial frames


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