Tomaschitz, R. (1998). Cosmic ether, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 37, 1121-1140, DOI: 10.1023/A:1026653521602



Abstract (SpringerLink, CDS, SAO/NASA ADS, Zbl 0947.83060)

A prerelativistic approach to particle dynamics is explored in an expanding Robertson–Walker cosmology. The receding galactic background provides a distinguished frame of reference and a unique cosmic time. In this context the relativistic, purely geometric space-time concept is criticized. Physical space is regarded as a permeable medium, the cosmic ether, which effects the world-lines of particles and rays. We study in detail a Robertson–Walker universe with linear expansion factor and negatively curved open three-space; we choose the permeability tensor of the ether in such a way that the semiclassical approximation is exact. Galactic red-shifts depend on the refractive index of the ether. In the local Minkowskian limit, the ether causes a time variation of mass, which scales inversely proportional to cosmic time. In the globally geodesic rest frames of galactic observers, the ether manifests itself in an unbounded speed of signal transfer, in bifurcations of world-lines, and in time inversion effects.



Zbl 0947.83060
Tomaschitz, Roman
Cosmic ether
Int. J. Theor. Phys. 37, No.3, 1121-1139 (1998). ISSN 0020-7748; ISSN 1572-9575

MSC 2000:

*83F05 Relativistic cosmology

Keywords: expanding Robertson-Walker cosmology; negatively curved open three-space; ether; bifurcation of world-lines




Cosmic ether.



Tomaschitz, R.



Int. J. Theor. Phys., Vol. 37, No. 3, p. 1121 - 1139

Publication Date:






ARI Keywords:


Cosmology: Robertson-Walker Metric

Bibliographic Code:





description: Roman Tomaschitz (1998) Cosmic ether, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 37, 1121.


Keywords: spacetime structure, absolute space and cosmic time, aether, Robertson–Walker cosmology, hyperbolic 3-space, massive particles and ray optics in the ether, Hamilton–Jacobi equation, eikonal equation, permeability tensor and refractive index of the ether, cosmological redshift in a permeable spacetime, cosmic time scaling of the speed of light, cosmic time variation of mass, Milne universe, globally geodesic rest frames, comoving galaxy frame, cosmic time order, absolute rest and uniform motion, universal frame of reference, causality and positivity of energy, time inversion and bifurcation of world lines in inertial frames


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