var shared_numbers = {}, shared_errors = {}, shared_collections = {}, shared_html = {}, shared_selection = {}, shared_strings = {}, shared_http = {}, shared_storage = {}, shared_location = {}, shared_state = {}, shared_requests = {}, shared_events = {}, shared_features = {}, shared_templates = {}, shared_messaging = {}, config_config = {}, shared_scroll = {}, iframe_host = {}, entry_point_launcher = {}, entry_point_entry_point = {}; shared_numbers = function (exports) { function randomInteger(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; } exports.randomInteger = randomInteger; return exports; }(shared_numbers); //#; var __extends = this && this.__extends || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; shared_errors = function (exports) { var UnhandledError = function () { function UnhandledError() { } UnhandledError.unhandled = function (e) { Debug.log(e); }; UnhandledError.capture = function (fun) { return function () { try { fun(); } catch (e) { UnhandledError.unhandled(e); } }; }; return UnhandledError; }(); exports.UnhandledError = UnhandledError; var NoSuchElement = function (_super) { __extends(NoSuchElement, _super); function NoSuchElement() { _super.apply(this, arguments); } return NoSuchElement; }(Error); exports.NoSuchElement = NoSuchElement; var Debug = function () { function Debug() { } Debug.log = function (message) { var optionalParams = []; for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { optionalParams[_i - 1] = arguments[_i]; } if (Debug.enabled) { console.log(message, optionalParams); } }; Debug.enable = function (value) { Debug.enabled = value; }; Debug.isDebug = function (url) { return url.indexOf('uptodate-debug=true') != -1; }; Debug.enabled = false; return Debug; }(); exports.Debug = Debug; return exports; }(shared_errors); //#; var __extends = this && this.__extends || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; shared_collections = function (exports, numbers_1, errors_1) { function shuffle(array) { for (var i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { var j = numbers_1.randomInteger(0, i); var temp = array[i]; array[i] = array[j]; array[j] = temp; } return array; } exports.shuffle = shuffle; var List = function (_super) { __extends(List, _super); function List() { _super.apply(this, arguments); } List.prototype.each = function (fun) { for (var i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) { fun(this[i], i); } return this; }; = function (fun) { var array = new List(); this.each(function (item, i) { array.push(fun(item, i)); }); return array; }; List.prototype.flatMap = function (fun, array) { if (array === void 0) { array = new List(); } this.each(function (item, i) { var elements = fun(item, i); Array.prototype.push.apply(array, elements); }); return array; }; List.prototype.filter = function (predicate) { var array = new List(); this.each(function (item, i) { if (predicate(item)) array.push(item); }); return array; }; List.prototype.find = function (predicate) { return this.filter(predicate).head(); }; = function (s) { var list = this; return list.filter(function (t) { return t instanceof s; }); }; List.prototype.head = function () { // if(this.isEmpty()) throw new NoSuchElement(); return this[0]; }; List.prototype.last = function () { if (this.isEmpty()) throw new errors_1.NoSuchElement(); return this[this.length - 1]; }; List.prototype.isEmpty = function () { return this.length == 0; }; List.prototype.groupBy = function (key) { return this.reduce(function (accumulator, instance) { var value = key instanceof Function ? key(instance) : instance[key]; (accumulator[value] = accumulator[value] || new List()).push(instance); return accumulator; }, {}); }; return List; }(Array); exports.List = List; function list(nodes) { var array = new List(); if (!nodes) return array; for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) { array.push(nodes[i]); } return array; } exports.list = list; function mergeObjects() { var objects = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { objects[_i - 0] = arguments[_i]; } var result = {}; var _loop_1 = function (i) { var obj = objects[i]; if (obj == null) return 'continue'; Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (key) { result[key] = obj[key]; }); }; for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) { _loop_1(i); } return result; } exports.mergeObjects = mergeObjects; return exports; }(shared_collections, shared_numbers, shared_errors); shared_html = function (exports, collections_1, selection_1) { var Elements = function () { function Elements() { } Elements.path = function (element) { var result = new collections_1.List(); while (element) { result.push(element); element = element.parentElement; } return result; }; Elements.matches = function (element, selector) { element.matches = element.matches || element.msMatchesSelector || function (s) { return false; }; return element.matches(selector); }; Elements.calculateBoxShadow = function (element) { try { var shadow = Elements.path(element).map(function (p) { return window.getComputedStyle(p).boxShadow; }).find(function (shadow) { return shadow != 'none'; }); return parseInt(shadow.split('px ')[2]); } catch (ignore) { return 0; } }; return Elements; }(); exports.Elements = Elements; function appendHtml(parent, html) { var children = parseHtml(html); for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { var child = children[i]; parent.appendChild(child); } return parent; } exports.appendHtml = appendHtml; function isHTML(x) { return x.outerHTML !== undefined; } exports.isHTML = isHTML; function parseHtml(html) { var temp = document.createElement('div'); temp.innerHTML = isHTML(html) ? html.outerHTML : html; return temp.childNodes; } exports.parseHtml = parseHtml; function insertHtml(node, html) { var parent = node.parentNode; var children = parseHtml(html); for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { var child = children[i]; parent.insertBefore(child, node); } return node; } exports.insertHtml = insertHtml; function attributes() { var attributes = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { attributes[_i - 0] = arguments[_i]; } return function (element) { for (var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) { var attr = attributes[i]; Object.keys(attr).forEach(function (name) { var value = attr[name]; var type = typeof value; switch (type) { case 'function': element.setAttribute(name, value(element.getAttribute(name))); break; case 'boolean': value ? element.setAttribute(name, '') : element.removeAttribute(name); break; case 'object': element.setAttribute(name, JSON.stringify(value)); break; default: element.setAttribute(name, value); } }); } return element; }; } exports.attributes = attributes; function on(element, name, fun, capture) { if (typeof name == 'string') name = [name]; for (var i = 0; i < name.length; i++) { var n = name[i]; element.addEventListener(n, function (e) { var result = fun(e); if (!result) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } }, capture); } } exports.on = on; function root() { return document.compatMode == 'BackCompat' ? document.body : document.documentElement; } exports.root = root; function hasVerticalScrollBar(element) { if (element === void 0) { element = root(); } return element.scrollHeight > element.clientHeight; } exports.hasVerticalScrollBar = hasVerticalScrollBar; function hasHorizontalScrollBar(element) { if (element === void 0) { element = root(); } return element.scrollWidth > element.clientWidth; } exports.hasHorizontalScrollBar = hasHorizontalScrollBar; function dataListObject(element) { return'dt', element).reduce(function (result, term) { result[term.textContent.trim()] = term.nextElementSibling.textContent.trim(); return result; }, {}); } exports.dataListObject = dataListObject; return exports; }(shared_html, shared_collections, shared_selection); //#; var __extends = this && this.__extends || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; shared_selection = function (exports, collections_1, html_1) { var Select = function (_super) { __extends(Select, _super); function Select() { _super.apply(this, arguments); } Select.prototype.on = function (name, fun, capture) { return this.each(function (element) { html_1.on(element, name, function (event) { return fun(element, event); }, capture); }); }; Select.prototype.attr = function (name, value) { if (value == null) return (element) { return element.getAttribute(name); }); return this.each(function (element) { element.setAttribute(name, value); }); }; Select.prototype.removeAttr = function (name) { return this.each(function (element) { element.removeAttribute(name); }); }; Select.prototype.prop = function (name, value) { if (value == null) return (element) { return element[name]; }); return this.each(function (element) { element[name] = value; }); }; Select.prototype.text = function (value) { if (value == null) return (element) { return element.textContent; }); return this.each(function (element) { element.textContent = value; }); }; Select.prototype.html = function (value) { if (value == null) return (element) { return element.innerHTML; }); return this.each(function (element) { element.innerHTML = value; }); }; Select.prototype.css = function (name, value) { if (value == null) return (element) { return window.getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue(name); }); return this.each(function (element) {[name] = value; }); }; Select.prototype.append = function (html) { (element) { return html_1.appendHtml(element, html); }); return this; }; Select.prototype.appendTo = function (parent) { return this.each(function (element) { parent.appendChild(element); }); }; Select.prototype.insert = function (html) { (element) { return html_1.insertHtml(element, html); }); return this; }; Select.prototype.remove = function (predicate) { if (predicate === void 0) { predicate = function (ignore) { return true; }; } return this.each(function (element) { if (predicate) element.parentNode.removeChild(element); }); }; Select.prototype.children = function () { return this.flatMap(function (element) { return collections_1.list(element.childNodes); }, new Select()); }; Select.prototype.detach = function () { var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); this.each(function (element) { fragment.appendChild(element); }); return fragment; }; Select.prototype.clone = function () { var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); this.each(function (element) { fragment.appendChild(element.cloneNode(true)); }); return fragment; }; = function () { return this.each(function (element) { = ''; }); }; Select.prototype.hide = function () { return this.each(function (element) { = 'none'; }); }; Select.prototype.addClass = function (name) { return this.each(function (element) { element.classList.add(name); }); }; Select.prototype.removeClass = function (name) { return this.each(function (element) { element.classList.remove(name); }); }; return Select; }(collections_1.List); exports.Select = Select; function select(selector, element) { if (element === void 0) { element = document; } var selection = new Select(); if (typeof selector !== 'string') { selection.push(selector); return selection; } function _select(array, e) { var nodes = e.querySelectorAll(selector); for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) { array.push(nodes[i]); } return array; } if (element instanceof Select) { for (var i = 0; i < element.length; i++) { var e = element[i]; _select(selection, e); } return selection; } return _select(selection, element); } = select; function get(selector, parent) { if (parent === void 0) { parent = document; } return parent.querySelector(selector); } exports.get = get; return exports; }(shared_selection, shared_collections, shared_html); shared_strings = function (exports) { function isEmpty(value) { if (value == null) return true; return value == ''; } exports.isEmpty = isEmpty; function coerce(value) { if (typeof value == 'undefined' || value == 'undefined') return null; try { return JSON.parse(value); } catch (e) { return value; } } exports.coerce = coerce; function startsWith(start, whole) { return whole.indexOf(start) == 0; } exports.startsWith = startsWith; function endsWith(end, whole) { return whole.indexOf(end) == whole.length - end.length; } exports.endsWith = endsWith; return exports; }(shared_strings); shared_http = function (exports, errors_1, strings_1) { var Entity = function () { function Entity(content) { this.content = content; } Entity.prototype.xml = function () { return new DOMParser().parseFromString(this.content, 'application/xml'); }; Entity.prototype.text = function () { return this.content; }; Entity.prototype.json = function () { return JSON.parse(this.content); }; Entity.prototype.html = function () { return new DOMParser().parseFromString(this.content, 'text/html'); }; return Entity; }(); exports.Entity = Entity; exports.fireAndForget = function (ignore) { }; var previousRequest = {}; function http(request, responseHandler) { if (responseHandler === void 0) { responseHandler = exports.fireAndForget; } if (JSON.stringify(request) == JSON.stringify(previousRequest)) { errors_1.Debug.log('duplicate request', request, previousRequest); return function () { }; } previousRequest = request; var handler = new XMLHttpRequest();, request.url, true); handler.withCredentials = true; var headers = request.headers || {}; Object.keys(headers).forEach(function (name) { handler.setRequestHeader(name, headers[name]); }); handler.addEventListener('readystatechange', errors_1.UnhandledError.capture(function () { if (handler.readyState == 4) { var headers_1 = handler.getAllResponseHeaders().split('\n').reduce(function (a, header) { var pair = header.split(': '); a[pair[0]] = pair[1]; return a; }, {}); responseHandler({ status: handler.status, headers: headers_1, entity: new Entity(handler.responseText) }); } })); handler.send(request.entity); return function () { handler.abort(); }; } exports.http = http; function uri(value) { var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = value; return { scheme: a.protocol ? a.protocol.replace(/(:$)/, '') : '', host: a.hostname, authority:, path: a.pathname.indexOf('/') === 0 ? a.pathname : '/' + a.pathname, query: ?^\?)/, '') : '', fragment: a.hash ? a.hash.replace(/(^#)/, '') : '', toString: function () { var builder = []; if (this.scheme != '') { builder.push(this.scheme); builder.push(':'); } if (this.authority != '') { builder.push('//'); builder.push(this.authority); } builder.push(this.path); if (this.query != '') { builder.push('?'); builder.push(this.query); } if (this.fragment != '') { builder.push('#'); builder.push(this.fragment); } return builder.join(''); } }; } exports.uri = uri; function queryObject(href) { if (href === void 0) { href = document.location.href; } var query = uri(href).query; if (query == '') return {}; return query.split('&').map(function (pair) { return pair.split('='); }).reduce(function (a, v) { var name = v[0]; var newValue = strings_1.coerce(v[1]); var oldValue = a[name]; if (typeof oldValue == 'undefined') { a[name] = newValue; } else if (typeof oldValue == 'object') { oldValue.push(newValue); } else { a[name] = [ oldValue, newValue ]; } return a; }, {}); } exports.queryObject = queryObject; function toQueryString(obj) { var result = []; Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (key) { var values = obj[key]; if (values == null) { result.push(encodeURIComponent(key)); } else if (typeof values == 'object') { values.forEach(function (value) { result.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value)); }); } else { result.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(values)); } }); return result.join('&'); } exports.toQueryString = toQueryString; var BaseUrl = function () { function BaseUrl() { } BaseUrl.baseUrl = function (name) { var extractor = { regex: new RegExp('(https?://[^/]+/[^/]+/).*' + name), process: function (value) { return value.match(extractor.regex)[1]; } }; try { throw new Error(); } catch (e) { try { return extractor.process(e.stack); } catch (e) { return extractor.process(document.querySelector('script[src$="' + name + '"]').src); } } }; BaseUrl.origin = function (url) { var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = url; return a.protocol + '//' +; }; return BaseUrl; }(); exports.BaseUrl = BaseUrl; return exports; }(shared_http, shared_errors, shared_strings); shared_storage = function (exports, strings_1) { exports.LOCALSTORAGE_KEY = 'uptodate-user-id'; function hasStorage() { try { var key = 'uptodate-test'; var expected = 'works'; window.localStorage.setItem(key, expected); var actual = window.localStorage.getItem(key); window.localStorage.removeItem(key); return expected === actual; } catch (e) { return false; } } exports.hasStorage = hasStorage; function storageObject(storage) { if (storage === void 0) { storage = window.localStorage; } var result = {}; for (var i = 0; i < storage.length; i++) { var key = storage.key(i); result[key] = strings_1.coerce(storage.getItem(key)); } return result; } exports.storageObject = storageObject; function copyIntoStorage(source, storage, prefix) { Object.keys(source).forEach(function (key) { if (strings_1.startsWith(prefix, key)) { var value = source[key]; if (value == null || typeof value == 'undefined') { storage.removeItem(key); } else { storage.setItem(key, value); } } }); } exports.copyIntoStorage = copyIntoStorage; return exports; }(shared_storage, shared_strings); shared_location = function (exports, selection_1, http_1, html_1, storage_1) { var CurrentLocation = function () { function CurrentLocation(type, display_type, design_type, doi, issn, url, hostsite, meta_data, session_ids, browser_extension_loaded) { if (type === void 0) { type = CurrentLocation.extractType(); } if (display_type === void 0) { display_type = CurrentLocation.extractDisplayType(); } if (design_type === void 0) { design_type = CurrentLocation.extractDesignType(); } if (doi === void 0) { doi = CurrentLocation.extractDoi(); } if (issn === void 0) { issn = CurrentLocation.extractIssn(); } if (url === void 0) { url = window.location.href; } if (hostsite === void 0) { hostsite = CurrentLocation.extractHostsite(url); } if (meta_data === void 0) { meta_data = CurrentLocation.extractMetaData(type); } if (session_ids === void 0) { session_ids = CurrentLocation.extractSessionIds(); } if (browser_extension_loaded === void 0) { browser_extension_loaded = false; } this.type = type; this.display_type = display_type; this.design_type = design_type; this.doi = doi; this.issn = issn; this.url = url; this.hostsite = hostsite; this.meta_data = meta_data; this.session_ids = session_ids; this.browser_extension_loaded = browser_extension_loaded; this.dois = doi ? [doi] : []; } CurrentLocation.prototype.checkForBrowserExtension = function (extensionId, callback) { if ('chrome' in window && extensionId) { var that_1 = this;, { type: 'browserExtensionInstalledRequest' }, function (val) { that_1.browser_extension_loaded = !!val; callback(); }); } else { callback(); } }; CurrentLocation.extractSessionIds = function () { var ids = []; if (storage_1.hasStorage()) { var item = window.localStorage.getItem(storage_1.LOCALSTORAGE_KEY); if (item != null) ids.push(item); } return ids; }; CurrentLocation.extractHostsite = function (url) { var parsedUri = http_1.uri(url); var hostname; var hostsiteQueryParam = http_1.queryObject(url)['uptodate-hostsite']; if (hostsiteQueryParam) { hostname = hostsiteQueryParam; } else { hostname = parsedUri.authority; } // unfortunately, order matters here atm if (hostname.indexOf('') != -1 || hostname.indexOf('') != -1) return 'recommended'; if (hostname.indexOf('') != -1) return 'nature'; if (hostname.indexOf('') != -1) return 'springer'; if (hostname.indexOf('') != -1) return 'biomedcentral'; if (hostname.indexOf('') != -1) return 'springeropen'; if (hostname.indexOf('localhost') != -1) return 'localhost'; return 'unknown'; }; CurrentLocation.prototype.toQuery = function () { return encodeURIComponent(this.json()); }; CurrentLocation.prototype.json = function () { return JSON.stringify(this); }; CurrentLocation.extractDisplayType = function () { if (selection_1.get(CurrentLocation.inlineSelector, document)) { return 'inline'; } else { return 'popup'; } }; CurrentLocation.extractDesignType = function () { if (selection_1.get('link[href*=mosaic], meta[name=\'WT.template\'][content=mosaic]', document)) { return 'mosaic'; } else { return 'unknown'; } }; CurrentLocation.extractType = function () { var doi = CurrentLocation.extractDoi(); if (doi) return 'article'; var value ='meta[name=\'citation_article_type\'], meta[name=\'WT.cg_s\'], meta[name=\'dc.type\']').attr('content').head(); if (value) { var page = value.toLowerCase(); if (page == 'latest research') page = 'research'; if (page == 'jobs') page = 'job'; if (CurrentLocation.allowedTypes.indexOf(page) != -1) return page; } // Fallback to Title for Issue Page! if (document.title.indexOf('Table of contents') == 0) return 'issue'; if ('meta[name=\'WT.cg_n\']').attr('content').head() == 'Natureevents') return 'event'; if ('meta[name=\'WT.page_categorisation\']').attr('content').head() == 'Home') return 'journalHomepage'; return null; }; CurrentLocation.extractMetaData = function (type) { switch (type) { case 'job': return { 'job': { id:'meta[name=\'DCSext.job_id\']').attr('content').head(), title:'meta[name=\'description\']').attr('content').head(), location:'meta[name=\'Job Location\']').attr('content').head(), employer:'meta[name=\'Job Employer\']').attr('content').head(), employer_id:'meta[name=\'DCSext.employer_id\']').attr('content').head(), type:'meta[name=\'Job Type\']').attr('content').head(), qualifications:'meta[name=\'Job Qualifications\']').attr('content').head() } }; case 'event': var data = html_1.dataListObject(selection_1.get('dl[class="event-details"]')); return { 'event': { id:'meta[name=\'DCSext.event_id\']').attr('content').head(), title: document.title.trim(), organization: data['Organization:'], type: data['Type:'], venue: data['Venue:'], location: data['Location:'], website: data['Website:'], area: data['Area'], specialty: data['Specialty'], subject: data['Subject'] } }; } return {}; }; CurrentLocation.extractDoi = function () { var doi ='meta[name=\'citation_doi\'], meta[name=\'dc.identifier\'], meta[name=\'DC.identifier\'], meta[name=\'prism.doi\'], meta[name=\'dc.Identifier\'], meta[property=\'citation_doi\']').attr('content'); if (doi.isEmpty()) { doi ='a[ref=\'aid_type=doi\']').text(); } if (doi.isEmpty()) { doi ='meta[name=\'citation_arxiv_id\']').attr('content').map(function (arxiv_id) { return 'arxiv:' + arxiv_id; }); } return (instance) { if (!instance) { return null; } var match = instance.match(CurrentLocation.doiRegex); return match != null ? match[1] : null; }).filter(function (instance) { return instance != null; }).head(); }; CurrentLocation.extractIssn = function () { var meta ='meta[name=\'citation_issn\'], meta[name=\'prism.issn\'], meta[name=\'prism.eIssn\']').attr('content').head(); if (meta) return meta.toUpperCase(); var rawIssn ='.issn, .eissn').text().head(); var text = rawIssn ? rawIssn.match(this.issnRegex) : null; return text ? text[0].toUpperCase() : null; }; CurrentLocation.inlineSelector = 'div[data-rel=\'uptodate-inline\'], link[rel=\'uptodate-inline\']'; CurrentLocation.allowedTypes = [ 'article', 'research', 'issue', 'homepage', 'job', 'event' ]; CurrentLocation.trackTypes = [ 'article', 'job', 'event' ]; CurrentLocation.doNotDisplay = [ 'job', 'event' ]; CurrentLocation.doiRegex = /.*(10\.\d{4,9}\/[-._;()\/:A-Z0-9]+).*/i; CurrentLocation.issnRegex = /\d{4}\-\d{3}[\dxX]/i; return CurrentLocation; }(); exports.CurrentLocation = CurrentLocation; return exports; }(shared_location, shared_selection, shared_http, shared_html, shared_storage); shared_state = function (exports, selection_1, strings_1, location_1, events_1, html_1, collections_1) { function state(config, current_location, screen) { if (current_location === void 0) { current_location = new location_1.CurrentLocation(); } if (screen === void 0) { screen = window.screen; } return Converter.toUnderscore({ config: config, current_location: current_location, screen: screen }); } exports.state = state; var StateChange = function () { function StateChange(root, events) { if (events === void 0) { events = new events_1.ConsoleEventHandler(); } this.root = root; = events; this.capture(); this.setInitialState(); } StateChange.prototype.capture = function () { var _this = this; html_1.on(this.root, 'change', function (e) { var input =; if (html_1.Elements.matches(input, '.state[name][value]')) _this.setState(input); if (html_1.Elements.matches(input, '[data-event-subject][data-event-action][data-event-object]')) _this.trackEvent(input); return true; }, true); html_1.on(this.root, [ 'click', 'contextmenu' ], function (e) { var element = events_1.Events.path(e).find(function (e) { return html_1.Elements.matches(e, ':not(.state)[data-event-object]'); }); if (element) _this.trackEvent(element); return true; }, true); }; StateChange.prototype.setState = function (input) { var groupLeader = selection_1.get('input[name=' + + ']', this.root); var oldValue = groupLeader.getAttribute('state-new') || ''; var newValue = input.value; if (oldValue != newValue) { groupLeader.setAttribute('state-old', oldValue); groupLeader.setAttribute('state-new', newValue); } }; StateChange.prototype.trackEvent = function (element) { var data = this.dataAttributes(element);'data-event-subject')), encodeURIComponent(element.getAttribute('data-event-action')), encodeURIComponent(element.getAttribute('data-event-object')), data); }; StateChange.prototype.dataAttributes = function (input, data) { var _this = this; if (data === void 0) { data = {}; } return collections_1.list(input.attributes).filter(function (a) { return strings_1.startsWith('data-',; }).filter(function (a) { return !strings_1.startsWith('data-event',; }).reduce(function (accumulator, attr) { accumulator[encodeURIComponent('data-', ''))] = _this.getAttributeValue(attr); return accumulator; }, data); }; StateChange.prototype.getAttributeValue = function (attr) { try { return JSON.parse(attr.value); } catch (e) { return attr.value; } }; StateChange.prototype.setInitialState = function () { var _this = this;'.state[name][value]:not([state-new]):checked', this.root).as(HTMLInputElement).each(function (state) { var groupLeader = selection_1.get('input[name=' + + ']', _this.root); groupLeader.setAttribute('state-new', groupLeader.defaultValue); }); }; return StateChange; }(); exports.StateChange = StateChange; function isArray(value) { return value != null && value.constructor == Array; } exports.isArray = isArray; function isObject(value) { return value != null && typeof value == 'object'; } exports.isObject = isObject; var Converter = function () { function Converter() { } Converter.toUnderscore = function (obj) { return, function (key) { return key.replace(/-/g, '_'); }); }; Converter.toHyphen = function (obj) { return, function (key) { return key.replace(/_/g, '-'); }); }; = function (obj, fun) { var _this = this; if (isArray(obj)) { var array = obj; return array.reduce(function (result, v) { result.push(, fun)); return result; }, []); } if (isObject(obj)) { var result = {}; for (var key in obj) { var v = obj[key]; if (v == null || typeof v == 'function') continue; result[fun(key)] =, fun); } return result; } return obj; }; return Converter; }(); exports.Converter = Converter; return exports; }(shared_state, shared_selection, shared_strings, shared_location, shared_events, shared_html, shared_collections); shared_requests = function (exports) { var Requests = function () { function Requests() { } Requests.config = function (hostname, location) { return { method: 'POST', headers: { Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' }, url: hostname + 'user/config', entity: JSON.stringify(location) }; }; Requests.postEvent = function (data) { return { method: 'POST', url: + 'events/' + encodeURIComponent(data['event']['subject']) + '_' + encodeURIComponent(data['event']['action']) + '_' + encodeURIComponent(data['event']['object']), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' }, entity: JSON.stringify(data) }; }; Requests.get = function (url) { return { method: 'GET', url: url }; }; Requests.recommendations = function (state) { return { method: 'POST', headers: { Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' }, url: + 'recommendations', entity: JSON.stringify(state) }; }; Requests.jobRecommendations = function (state) { //FIXME hack for now to only display max of 3 job recs state.config.number_of_recommendations = 3; return { method: 'POST', headers: { Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' }, url: + 'recommendations/jobs', entity: JSON.stringify(state) }; }; return Requests; }(); exports.Requests = Requests; return exports; }(shared_requests); shared_events = function (exports, state_1, requests_1, http_1, collections_1, html_1) { var ConsoleEventHandler = function () { function ConsoleEventHandler() { } = function (subject, action, object, data) { if (console.log) console.log('Event: ' + subject + ' ' + action + ' ' + object + ' -> ' + JSON.stringify(data)); }; return ConsoleEventHandler; }(); exports.ConsoleEventHandler = ConsoleEventHandler; var Events = function () { function Events(state) { this.state = state; } = function (subject, action, object, data) { http_1.http(requests_1.Requests.postEvent(state_1.Converter.toUnderscore(collections_1.mergeObjects(this.state, { event: { 'subject': subject, 'action': action, 'object': object, 'data': data, 'client_time': this.toIsoStringWithOffset(new Date()) } })))); }; Events.prototype.toIsoStringWithOffset = function (date) { var tzo = -date.getTimezoneOffset(), dif = tzo >= 0 ? '+' : '-', pad = function (num) { var norm = Math.abs(Math.floor(num)); return (norm < 10 ? '0' : '') + norm; }; return date.getFullYear() + '-' + pad(date.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + pad(date.getDate()) + 'T' + pad(date.getHours()) + ':' + pad(date.getMinutes()) + ':' + pad(date.getSeconds()) + dif + pad(tzo / 60) + ':' + pad(tzo % 60); }; Events.create = function (name, data) { if (data === void 0) { data = { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, detail: null }; } if (data.detail) { try { return new CustomEvent(name, data); } catch (e) { var event_1 = document.createEvent('CustomEvent'); event_1.initCustomEvent(name, data.bubbles, data.cancelable, data.detail); return event_1; } } else { try { return new Event(name, data); } catch (e) { var event_2 = document.createEvent('Event'); event_2.initEvent(name, data.bubbles, data.cancelable); return event_2; } } }; Events.path = function (e) { return html_1.Elements.path(; }; return Events; }(); exports.Events = Events; return exports; }(shared_events, shared_state, shared_requests, shared_http, shared_collections, shared_html); shared_features = function (exports, storage_1) { var Features = function () { function Features(events) { = events; } Features.prototype.check = function (done) { if (!this.has('web-storage', function () { return storage_1.hasStorage(); })) return; if (!this.has('web-messaging', function () { return window.postMessage; })) return; if (!this.has('selector-api', function () { return document.querySelectorAll; })) return; if (!this.has('Object.keys', function () { return Object.keys; })) return; if (!this.has('', function () { return; })) return; if (!this.has('Array.prototype.filter', function () { return Array.prototype.filter; })) return; done(); }; Features.prototype.has = function (name, test) { try { if (test()) return true; } catch (e) { } this.missing(name); return false; }; Features.prototype.missing = function (feature) {'client', 'missing', 'feature', { feature: feature }); }; return Features; }(); exports.Features = Features; return exports; }(shared_features, shared_storage); shared_templates = function (exports, selection_1) { var Templates = function () { function Templates() { } Templates.clone = function (template) { this.polyfill(template); return template.ownerDocument.importNode(template.content, true); }; Templates.polyfill = function (template) { if (!template.content) { template.content =; } }; Templates.polyfillTemplates = function (root) { var _this = this;'template', root).each(function (template) { return _this.polyfill(template); }); }; return Templates; }(); exports.Templates = Templates; return exports; }(shared_templates, shared_selection); shared_messaging = function (exports, events_1, http_1, errors_1, html_1) { var MessageDispatcher = function () { function MessageDispatcher() { } MessageDispatcher.fireResize = function (root, value, eventNameOverride) { var eventName = eventNameOverride || 'resize'; var style; if (value instanceof HTMLElement) { var boxShadowBuffer = html_1.Elements.calculateBoxShadow(value); style = { width: value.offsetWidth + boxShadowBuffer + 'px', height: value.offsetHeight + boxShadowBuffer + 'px' }; } else { style = value; } MessageDispatcher.dispatch(root, { name: eventName, body: style }); }; MessageDispatcher.dispatch = function (root, message) { root.dispatchEvent(events_1.Events.create('client_message', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, detail: message })); }; return MessageDispatcher; }(); exports.MessageDispatcher = MessageDispatcher; var MessageReceiver = function () { function MessageReceiver(window, expectedOrigin) { var _this = this; this.window = window; this.expectedOrigin = expectedOrigin; window.addEventListener('message', function (event) { var actualHost = http_1.uri(event.origin).host; var expectedHost = http_1.uri(expectedOrigin).host; if (actualHost != expectedHost) { errors_1.Debug.log('Origin host did not match expected: expectedHost:' + expectedHost + ' actualHost:' + actualHost); return; } var data =; errors_1.Debug.log( + ' received message from ' + expectedOrigin + ' : ' + + ' -> ' + JSON.stringify(data.body)); var slot = _this[]; if (!slot) { errors_1.Debug.log('No slot called ' + + ' found'); return; } try {, data.body); } catch (e) { errors_1.UnhandledError.unhandled(e); } }, true); } return MessageReceiver; }(); exports.MessageReceiver = MessageReceiver; var MessageSender = function () { function MessageSender(windows, destinationOrigin) { = windows; this.destinationOrigin = destinationOrigin; } MessageSender.prototype.send = function (name, body) { var _this = this; (w) { w.postMessage({ name: name, body: body }, _this.destinationOrigin); }); }; return MessageSender; }(); exports.MessageSender = MessageSender; return exports; }(shared_messaging, shared_events, shared_http, shared_errors, shared_html); config_config = function (exports, storage_1, strings_1, selection_1, templates_1, messaging_1, http_1, errors_1, collections_1) { var Config = function () { function Config(state, parent) { var _this = this; this.parent = parent; = window.localStorage; this.parent['config'] = this; storage_1.copyIntoStorage(http_1.queryObject(state.current_location.url),, Config.prefix); = this.migrate(collections_1.mergeObjects(state.config, Config.extractConfig(storage_1.storageObject(; this.render();'#' +'debug')).on('change', function (element) { _this.debug(element.checked); }); this.persist('debug', null); this.debug(errors_1.Debug.isDebug(state.current_location.url)); } Config.extractConfig = function (obj) { var _this = this; return Object.keys(obj).reduce(function (a, key) { if (strings_1.startsWith(_this.prefix, key)) { var noConfig = key.substr(Config.prefix.length); a[noConfig] = obj[key]; } return a; }, {}); }; Config.prototype.json = function () { return JSON.stringify(; }; Config.prototype.render = function () { var _this = this; Object.keys( (name) { _this.createProperty(name,[name]); }); }; Config.prototype.createProperty = function (name, value) { var id =; var type = typeof value; var input = selection_1.get('#' + id, this.parent); if (input) { type == 'boolean' ? input.checked = value : input.value = JSON.stringify(value); } else { var template = selection_1.get('template.config', this.parent); var instance = templates_1.Templates.clone(template); input = selection_1.get('input', instance); if (type == 'boolean') { input.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox'); } else if (type == 'number') { input.setAttribute('type', 'number'); } else { input.setAttribute('type', 'text'); } input.setAttribute('id', id); input.classList.add(name.replace(/_/g, '-')); if (type == 'boolean') { value ? input.setAttribute('checked', '') : input.removeAttribute('checked'); } else { input.setAttribute('value', JSON.stringify(value)); } var label = selection_1.get('label', instance); label.setAttribute('for', id); var text = selection_1.get('.text', label); text.textContent = name.replace(/_/g, ' '); this.parent.insertBefore(instance, template.nextSibling); } Object.defineProperty(, name, { enumerable: true, get: function () { return type == 'boolean' ? input.checked : strings_1.coerce(input.value); }, set: function (newValue) { return type == 'boolean' ? input.checked = newValue : input.value = JSON.stringify(newValue); } }); }; = function (name) { return Config.prefix + name.replace(/_/g, '-'); }; Config.prototype.debug = function (value) { errors_1.Debug.enable(value); this.full_screen(value); if (value) { this.parent.classList.add('debug'); } else { this.parent.classList.remove('debug'); } }; Config.prototype.full_screen = function (value) { messaging_1.MessageDispatcher.dispatch(this.parent, { name: 'full_screen', body: value }); }; Config.prototype.persist = function (name, value) { var key = Config.prefix + name; if (value == null) {; } else {, value); } }; Config.prototype.isPersisted = function (name) { var key = Config.prefix + name; return !== null; }; Config.prototype.migrate = function (minimalConfig) { this.migrateProperty(minimalConfig, 'closed-pre-rec-email', 'email-journey-closed'); return minimalConfig; }; Config.prototype.migrateProperty = function (minimalConfig, oldKey, newKey) { var value = minimalConfig[oldKey]; if (typeof value != 'undefined') { minimalConfig[newKey] = value; if (this.isPersisted(oldKey)) { this.persist(oldKey, null); this.persist(newKey, value); } } }; Config.prefix = 'uptodate-'; return Config; }(); exports.Config = Config; return exports; }(config_config, shared_storage, shared_strings, shared_selection, shared_templates, shared_messaging, shared_http, shared_errors, shared_collections); shared_scroll = function (exports, html_1, selection_1) { var WindowScrollCondition = function () { function WindowScrollCondition(config) { this.config = config; } WindowScrollCondition.prototype.required = function () { return html_1.hasVerticalScrollBar() && !this.hasScrolledEnough(); }; WindowScrollCondition.prototype.hasScrolledEnough = function () { return window.pageYOffset > this.config.minimum_scroll_height; }; WindowScrollCondition.prototype.await = function (done) { var _this = this; var scrollHandler = function () { if (_this.hasScrolledEnough()) { window.removeEventListener('scroll', scrollHandler); done(); } }; window.addEventListener('scroll', scrollHandler); }; return WindowScrollCondition; }(); exports.WindowScrollCondition = WindowScrollCondition; var ClientScrollListener = function () { function ClientScrollListener(sender, receiver, state) { var _this = this; this.sender = sender; this.receiver = receiver; this.state = state; this.receiver['scroll_info'] = function (value) { return _this.scroll_info(value); }; this.receiver['scroll_bars_response'] = function (value) { return _this.scroll_bars_response(value); }; this.sender.send('scroll_bars_request'); } ClientScrollListener.prototype.scroll_bars_response = function (value) { this.scrollBars = value; }; ClientScrollListener.prototype.scroll_info = function (value) { this.scrollInfo = value; if (this.done && this.hasScrolledEnough()) { var done = this.done; this.done = null; this.sender.send('scroll_info_stop'); done(); } }; ClientScrollListener.prototype.required = function () { return this.scrollBars && this.scrollBars.vertical && !this.hasScrolledEnough(); }; ClientScrollListener.prototype.getScrolledPosOffset = function (elementTop, elementBottom) { var percentage = this.state.config['experiment_popup_scroll_position'] ? 0.75 : 1; var elementHeight = elementBottom - elementTop; var scrolledPosOffset = elementHeight * (1 - percentage); return scrolledPosOffset; }; ClientScrollListener.prototype.hasScrolledEnough = function () { if (this.scrollInfo && this.scrollInfo.targetClientRect) { if ( === 0 && this.scrollInfo.targetClientRect.bottom === 0) { return false; } var elementTop =; var elementBottom = this.scrollInfo.targetClientRect.bottom; if (this.state.current_location.display_type === 'inline') { //figure out a way for this to work mid way through the recommendations return elementBottom > 0 && elementTop < this.scrollInfo.windowHeight; } else { var scrolledPosOffset = this.getScrolledPosOffset(elementTop, elementBottom); return elementBottom < 0 || elementBottom - scrolledPosOffset < this.scrollInfo.windowHeight; } } return this.scrollInfo && this.scrollInfo.y > this.state.config.minimum_scroll_height; }; ClientScrollListener.prototype.await = function (done) { this.done = done; this.sender.send('scroll_info_start'); }; return ClientScrollListener; }(); exports.ClientScrollListener = ClientScrollListener; var JobClientScrollListener = function () { function JobClientScrollListener(sender, receiver, state) { var _this = this; this.sender = sender; this.receiver = receiver; this.state = state; this.receiver['jobs_scroll_info'] = function (value) { return _this.scroll_info(value); }; this.receiver['jobs_scroll_bars_response'] = function (value) { return _this.scroll_bars_response(value); }; this.sender.send('jobs_scroll_bars_request'); } JobClientScrollListener.prototype.scroll_bars_response = function (value) { this.scrollBars = value; }; JobClientScrollListener.prototype.scroll_info = function (value) { this.scrollInfo = value; if (this.done && this.hasScrolledEnough()) { var done = this.done; done(); this.done = null; this.sender.send('jobs_scroll_info_stop'); } }; JobClientScrollListener.prototype.required = function () { return !this.hasScrolledEnough(); }; JobClientScrollListener.prototype.hasScrolledEnough = function () { if (this.scrollInfo && this.scrollInfo.targetClientRect) { if ( === 0 && this.scrollInfo.targetClientRect.bottom === 0) { return false; } var elementTop =; var elementBottom = this.scrollInfo.targetClientRect.bottom; return elementBottom > 0 && elementTop < this.scrollInfo.windowHeight; } return this.scrollInfo && this.scrollInfo.y > this.state.config.minimum_scroll_height; }; JobClientScrollListener.prototype.await = function (done) { this.done = done; this.sender.send('jobs_scroll_info_start'); }; return JobClientScrollListener; }(); exports.JobClientScrollListener = JobClientScrollListener; var HostScrollListener = function () { function HostScrollListener(sender, receiver, state) { var _this = this; this.sender = sender; this.receiver = receiver; this.state = state; this.receiver['scroll_info_start'] = function () { return _this.start(); }; this.receiver['scroll_info_stop'] = function () { return _this.stop(); }; this.receiver['scroll_bars_request'] = function () { return _this.scroll_bars_request(); }; } HostScrollListener.prototype.scroll_bars_request = function () { this.sender.send('scroll_bars_response', { vertical: html_1.hasVerticalScrollBar(), horizontal: html_1.hasHorizontalScrollBar() }); }; HostScrollListener.prototype.start = function () { var _this = this; this.handler = window.setInterval(function () { function getAbstractElement() { var natureArticleSelector1 = 'div#abstract'; var natureArticleSelector2 = 'section[aria-labelledby=\'abstract\'], section[aria-labelledby=\'Abs1\']'; var bmcSpringerOpenSelector = 'section.Abstract'; return selection_1.get(natureArticleSelector1 + ', ' + natureArticleSelector2 + ', ' + bmcSpringerOpenSelector); } function addAdditionalBodyInfo(bodyInfo, elm) { var boundingClientRect = elm.getBoundingClientRect(); bodyInfo.windowHeight = window.innerHeight; bodyInfo.targetClientRect = { top:, bottom: boundingClientRect.bottom }; return bodyInfo; } var bodyInfo = { x: window.pageXOffset, y: window.pageYOffset }; var uptodateClient = null; var abstractElement = null; if (_this.state.current_location.display_type === 'inline' && (uptodateClient = selection_1.get('#uptodate-client'))) { bodyInfo = addAdditionalBodyInfo(bodyInfo, uptodateClient); } else if (abstractElement = getAbstractElement()) { bodyInfo = addAdditionalBodyInfo(bodyInfo, abstractElement); } _this.sender.send('scroll_info', bodyInfo); }, 250); }; HostScrollListener.prototype.stop = function () { window.clearInterval(this.handler); }; return HostScrollListener; }(); exports.HostScrollListener = HostScrollListener; var JobHostScrollListener = function () { function JobHostScrollListener(sender, receiver, state) { var _this = this; this.sender = sender; this.receiver = receiver; this.state = state; this.receiver['jobs_scroll_info_start'] = function () { return _this.start(); }; this.receiver['jobs_scroll_info_stop'] = function () { return _this.stop(); }; this.receiver['jobs_scroll_bars_request'] = function () { return _this.scroll_bars_request(); }; } JobHostScrollListener.prototype.scroll_bars_request = function () { this.sender.send('jobs_scroll_bars_response', { vertical: html_1.hasVerticalScrollBar(), horizontal: html_1.hasHorizontalScrollBar() }); }; JobHostScrollListener.prototype.start = function () { var _this = this; this.handler = window.setInterval(function () { var jobClient = selection_1.get('#job-client'); if (jobClient) { var boundingClientRect = jobClient.getBoundingClientRect(); var bodyInfo = { x: window.pageXOffset, y: window.pageYOffset, windowHeight: window.innerHeight, targetClientRect: { top:, bottom: boundingClientRect.bottom } }; _this.sender.send('jobs_scroll_info', bodyInfo); } }, 250); }; JobHostScrollListener.prototype.stop = function () { window.clearInterval(this.handler); }; return JobHostScrollListener; }(); exports.JobHostScrollListener = JobHostScrollListener; return exports; }(shared_scroll, shared_html, shared_selection); //#; var __extends = this && this.__extends || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; iframe_host = function (exports, scroll_1, messaging_1, http_1, errors_1, selection_1, location_1) { var Host = function (_super) { __extends(Host, _super); function Host(baseUrl, articleClientPath, jobClientPath, state) { var sourceOrigin = http_1.BaseUrl.origin(baseUrl);, window, sourceOrigin); errors_1.Debug.log('Host expecting to send and receive messages from ' + sourceOrigin); this.state = state; = { width: '0', height: '0' }; this.articleIframe = this.createIframe('' + baseUrl + articleClientPath + '?source=' + http_1.BaseUrl.origin(window.location.href), 'uptodate-client'); this.appendArticleIframe(); var messageSenderWindows = [this.articleIframe.contentWindow]; var jobIframeLocation = selection_1.get('span[data-recommended=\'jobs\']'); if ( && jobIframeLocation) { this.jobIframe = this.createIframe('' + baseUrl + jobClientPath + '?source=' + http_1.BaseUrl.origin(window.location.href), 'job-client'); this.appendJobIframe(jobIframeLocation); = '28px'; messageSenderWindows.push(this.jobIframe.contentWindow); } this.sender = new messaging_1.MessageSender(messageSenderWindows, sourceOrigin); new scroll_1.HostScrollListener(this.sender, this, this.state); new scroll_1.JobHostScrollListener(this.sender, this, this.state); } Host.prototype.state_request = function () { this.sender.send('state_response', this.state); }; Host.prototype.job_state_request = function () { this.sender.send('job_state_response', this.state); }; Host.prototype.inline_css_request = function () { if (this.linkToCss) { this.sender.send('inline_css_response', this.linkToCss.toString()); } }; Host.prototype.resize = function (style) { if (this.fullScreen) { = style; } else { = style.width; = style.height; } }; Host.prototype.jobResize = function (style) { = style.width; = style.height; }; Host.prototype.inlineEvent = function (className) { if (this.state.config['inline_version']) { if (className == 'uptodate-no-content') { = 'none'; } else if (className == 'uptodate-display') { var recommendationsContainer = selection_1.get('.uptodate-recommendations-off', document); if (recommendationsContainer) { recommendationsContainer.classList.remove('uptodate-recommendations-off'); recommendationsContainer.classList.add('uptodate-recommendations-on'); } } } }; Host.prototype.full_screen = function (value) { if (value && !this.state.config['inline_version']) { = '100%'; = '100%'; } else { =; =; } this.fullScreen = value && !(this.state.current_location.display_type === 'inline'); }; Host.prototype.createIframe = function (url, uid) { var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); = '0'; = '0'; = '0'; = '0'; = '100000'; iframe.frameBorder = '0'; iframe.scrolling = 'no'; iframe.src = url; = uid; = uid; iframe.title = 'Personalised recommendations'; iframe.setAttribute('allowtransparency', 'true'); return iframe; }; Host.prototype.appendArticleIframe = function () { var inlineElement = this.getInlineElement(); if (inlineElement && this.state.config['inline_version']) { var href = inlineElement.getAttribute('href') == null ? inlineElement.getAttribute('data-href') : inlineElement.getAttribute('href'); this.linkToCss = http_1.uri(href); var padding = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(inlineElement.parentElement)['padding-left'].replace('px', '')); var parentInnerWidth = inlineElement.parentElement.offsetWidth - padding * 2 + 'px'; = parentInnerWidth; = parentInnerWidth; inlineElement.parentElement.replaceChild(this.articleIframe, inlineElement); } else { = 'fixed'; document.body.appendChild(this.articleIframe); } }; Host.prototype.appendJobIframe = function (jobElementLocation) { if (jobElementLocation) { jobElementLocation.parentElement.replaceChild(this.jobIframe, jobElementLocation); = '0'; = '100%'; } }; Host.prototype.getInlineElement = function () { return selection_1.get(location_1.CurrentLocation.inlineSelector, document); }; return Host; }(messaging_1.MessageReceiver); exports.Host = Host; return exports; }(iframe_host, shared_scroll, shared_messaging, shared_http, shared_errors, shared_selection, shared_location); entry_point_launcher = function (exports, events_1, state_1, strings_1, errors_1, features_1, location_1, http_1, requests_1, config_1, collections_1, host_1, storage_1) { var Launcher = function () { function Launcher(state, done, events) { if (events === void 0) { events = new events_1.Events(state); } this.state = state; this.done = done; = events; errors_1.Debug.enable(errors_1.Debug.isDebug(state.current_location.url)); this.state.config = state.config; this.updateLocalStorage(); this.trackCurrentPage(); this.display(); } Launcher.prototype.updateLocalStorage = function () { if (storage_1.hasStorage()) { var userId = this.state.config.user_id; errors_1.Debug.log('Storing user-id: ' + userId + ' in local storage'); window.localStorage.setItem(storage_1.LOCALSTORAGE_KEY, userId); } }; Launcher.prototype.trackCurrentPage = function () { if (location_1.CurrentLocation.trackTypes.indexOf(this.state.current_location.type) != -1) {'website', 'displays', this.state.current_location.type); } }; Launcher.prototype.display = function () { var _this = this; if (strings_1.isEmpty(this.state.current_location.type)) { if (!(this.state.current_location.hostsite == 'nature' && this.state.current_location.display_type == 'inline')) { return; } } if (location_1.CurrentLocation.doNotDisplay.indexOf(this.state.current_location.type) != -1) return; if (strings_1.isEmpty(this.state.current_location.issn)) { if (!(this.state.current_location.type == 'homepage' && this.state.current_location.hostsite == 'recommended')) { return; } } if (this.state.current_location.type == 'journalHomepage' && this.state.config['experiment_srep_homepage'] != true) { return; } if (!this.state.config.show_recommendations) { return; } if (window.screen.availWidth < this.state.config.minimum_width && this.state.current_location.display_type != 'inline') return; this.state.config.minimised = this.autoMinimise(); new features_1.Features( () { try { _this.done(_this.state); } catch (e) { errors_1.Debug.log(e); } }); }; Launcher.prototype.autoMinimise = function () { return this.state.config['autominimise'] ? window.screen.availWidth < 1920 : this.state.config.minimised; }; return Launcher; }(); exports.Launcher = Launcher; function entryPoint(lambda, baseUrl) { try { var currentLocation_1 = new location_1.CurrentLocation(); http_1.http(requests_1.Requests.config(baseUrl, currentLocation_1), function (response) { if (response.status != 200) return; var queryConfig = config_1.Config.extractConfig(http_1.queryObject(currentLocation_1.url)); var config = collections_1.mergeObjects(response.entity.json(), queryConfig); currentLocation_1.checkForBrowserExtension(config['browser-extension-id'], function () { var s = state_1.state(config, currentLocation_1); if (s.config['experiment_srep_homepage'] == true && s.current_location.type != 'journalHomepage') { s.config['experiment_srep_homepage'] = false; } lambda(s, function (state) { return new Launcher(state, function (state) { new host_1.Host(, 'generated/client.html', 'generated/job-client.html', state); }); }); }); }); } catch (e) { errors_1.UnhandledError.unhandled(e); } } exports.entryPoint = entryPoint; return exports; }(entry_point_launcher, shared_events, shared_state, shared_strings, shared_errors, shared_features, shared_location, shared_http, shared_requests, config_config, shared_collections, iframe_host, shared_storage); entry_point_entry_point = function (exports, launcher_1, http_1) { launcher_1.entryPoint(function (s, done) { done(s); }, http_1.BaseUrl.baseUrl('entry-point.js')); return exports; }(entry_point_entry_point, entry_point_launcher, shared_http); //#